Wim Vanhaverbeke
Large company
Inxight: Incubating a Xerox Technology Spinout
Henry Chesbrough
Inxight: Incubating a Xerox Technology Spinout
Henry W. Chesbrough, Christina Darwall
Xerox has established a new spinoff that utilizes software technology developed at its PARC research facility. This spinoff, Inxight Software, is formulating its plans to commercialize PARC's technology via an OEM component business model.
Learning Objective
To examine alternative organization structures to commercialize research and development; internal and quasi-external incentives, authority, and decision making.
Pub Date: Dec 17, 1998
Discipline: Operations Management
Subjects: Applications, R&D, Spin-offs, Technology
Source: Harvard Business School
Product #: 699019-PDF-ENG
Teaching note; Available
Industry: Computers & electronics, Software publishing
Geography: United States
Length: 13 page(s)