Wim Vanhaverbeke
Large company
PlaceWare: Issues in Structuring a Xerox Technology Spinout
Henry Chesbrough
PlaceWare: Issues in Structuring a Xerox Technology Spinout
Xerox has established a process to spin out technologies it develops that do not fit with its current business needs. To structure these "spinouts," a number of issues arise on how to treat people and intellectual property. PlaceWare is the first technology to go through this process.
Learning Objective
To analyze commercializing technology and corporate entrepreneurship.
Pub Date: Dec 4, 1998(Revised: May 24, 1999)
Discipline: Operations Management
Subjects: Commercialization, Innovation, Intellectual property, R&D, Spin-offs, Technology
Source: Harvard Business School
Product #: 699001-PDF-ENG
Teaching note: Available
Industry: Computers & electronics, Internet services, Software publishing
Geography: United States
Length:18 page(s)