Wim Vanhaverbeke
Large company
Rafael Development Corp.: Converting Military Technology to Civilian Technology in Israel
Henry Chesbrough
Rafael Development Corp.: Converting Military Technology to Civilian Technology in Israel
Henry W. Chesbrough, Anthony Massaro
Describes an Israeli joint venture company, created to convert military technology to civilian uses. Also documents the explosive growth of the Israeli high-technology sector in the 1990s.
Learning Objective
Shows commercialization of military technology in a non-U.S. setting. Also shows the role of the military sector in the emergence of Israel's economy.
Pub Date:Feb 4, 2002
Discipline: Operations Management
Subjects: Innovation, Product development, Spin-offs, Technology
Source: Harvard Business School
Product #: 602011-PDF-ENG
Teaching note: Not available
Industry: Electronic components
Geography: Israel
Length: 20 page(s)