Wim Vanhaverbeke
Large company
Sustainability Through Open Innovation: Carlsberg and the Green Fiber Bottle
Henry Chesbrough
Sustainability Through Open Innovation: Carlsberg and the Green Fiber Bottle
Henry W. Chesbrough, Marcel Bogers, Robert Strand
The case follows Danish brewer Carlsberg as it develops the Green Fiber Bottle, a beer bottle made of wood pulp, in collaboration with a startup, a small-to-medium sized enterprise (SME), and a Danish University. The case has a dual focus. First, it demonstrates how a company can successfully innovate by leveraging the concept of open innovation. Second, it shows how sustainability - and relatedly, the idea of purpose - can be a powerful motivator to drive open innovation efforts. In this respect, this case serves as one of the first formal documentations of how open innovation can effectively drive innovation activities to address a stated sustainability objective. This co-mingling of sustainability and open innovation has the potential to become a domain in its own right (perhaps under a moniker such as "Sustainable Open Innovation").
Learning Objective
1. Showcase open innovation in action: provide an example of how the concept of open innovation is put in practice and the benefits that follow. 2. Give an example of how sustainability can effectively drive open innovation activities. 3. Provide a specific example of how a perceived challenge of open innovation can be overcome. 4. Explore how addressing a sustainability challenge can be a motivating factor for collaboration and innovation activities independent of the potential of an immediate business case. 5. Consider how the Nordic context in which Carlsberg operates - which includes the comparatively cooperative business environment and a corporate ownership structured around the Carlsberg industrial foundation - may have contributed to the outcomes of this particular case, and how these lessons may be applied in another context. 6. Illustrate one instance in which open innovation driven by sustainability is being used to address a grand societal challenge - that of plastic waste.
Pub Date: Oct 1, 2018
Discipline: Social Enterprise
Cooperative strategies, Corporate social responsibility, Open innovation, Organizational values, Packaging, Partnerships, Social responsibility, Sustainability
UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business
Product #: B5922-PDF-ENG
Teaching note: available
Industry: Alcoholic beverages, Bottling & distribution, Packaging, cartons & containers, Retail & Consumer Goods
Geography: Denmark, Sweden
Length: 21 page(s)