Wim Vanhaverbeke
Large company
Telefonica: A Lean Elephant
Henry Chesbrough
Telefonica: A Lean Elephant
Henry W. Chesbrough, Susana Jurado Apruzzese, Maria de Olano Mata
This case shows Telefonica, a large and sophisticated technology company in Spain, try to transform its innovation process. To do so, it is employing Lean Startup techniques. The case provides a detailed look at the company's efforts in this regard, showcasing not only some of the successful outcomes that were realized, but also some of the organizational challenges that have been encountered along the way. As Lean Startup becomes more widespread in the entrepreneurial community, it is spilling over into the corporate world as well. But as this case demonstrates, there are important contextual differences in employing Lean Startup techniques inside a much larger company.
Learning Objective
The main objectives of the case study are to: Explain and illustrate Lean Startup processes inside a large corporation; examine the limits and challenges of Lean Startup inside a large company; and connect Open Innovation thinking and processes to those of Lean Startup.
Pub Date: Jul 1, 2016
Discipline: Entrepreneurship
Subjects: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Organizational change, Start-ups, Startup, Technology
Source: UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business
Product #: B5863-PDF-ENG
Teaching note: Available
Industry: Technology, Telecommunications
Geography: Spain
Length: 19 page(s)